Welcome to the Divinely Gifted Book Launch!​

At the Divinely Gifted Book Launch, we celebrated the extraordinary moment when authors brought their creations into the world, and we were fortunate to have an incredible audience that elevated this experience to new heights.

Our vibrant audience, with their passionate engagement, unwavering support, and active participation, created an enchanting atmosphere that breathed life into the authors’ creation. They became an integral part of the journey, fostering connections, inspiring the authors, and spreading the joy of reading.

Together, we embarked on a shared adventure, making the book launch an unforgettable celebration of the divine gift and the power of storytelling.

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A Generous Donation to Agaram Foundation​

On this auspicious occasion, we witnessed a remarkable act of kindness. A generous donation of ₹1,00,000 was made to Agaram Foundation, a renowned charitable trust dedicated to transforming lives through education.
“Divinely Gifted” explores the power of human potential and the ability of individuals to make a positive difference in the world. This profound message aligns beautifully with the ethos of philanthropy and the spirit of giving. By choosing to make this generous donation, we created a beautiful ripple effect of change in society.

Girish Handing Over the Book to Authors

One of the most significant moments of the event was when Dr. Girish, founder, and chief healing officer of Human Connect, handed over the copy of “Divinely Gifted” to its authors. It was a moment of reverence, celebration, and connection, signifying the authors’ achievement and the profound impact of their words. This symbolic gesture fostered gratitude, inspiration, and a sense of fulfillment. The authors embraced the realization of their vision, inviting readers to join them on a journey of self-discovery of their divine gifts and how they used them well.
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Panel Discussion and Exploration

Our panel discussion, led by Dr. Girish and Jyotsna, brought together the authors in a captivating and collaborative exploration of the book’s theme. Divided into three groups, the authors embarked on a multidimensional journey, unraveling the intricate layers of the narrative and exchanging diverse perspectives.

The discussion highlighted the authors’ awareness of their unique talents, their efforts to unlock their creative potential, and their commitment to using their gifts to make a positive impact. Through their reflections and insights, the authors inspired others to embrace their own divine gifts, encouraging a collective realization of personal potential and a celebration of the transformative power of creativity.

Sound Healing with Dr. Girish

Dr. Girish introduced the audience to the therapeutic benefits of sound healing, creating an environment conducive to healing and rejuvenation. Sound vibrations resonated with the body, mind, and spirit, promoting holistic healing and a heightened sense of well-being. The audience eagerly embraced this unique opportunity, ready to embark on a journey of sound and self-discovery.

With his expertise and the profound healing power of sound, Dr. Girish created an immersive experience that left attendees feeling energized, connected, and uplifted.

Shivamaniji’s Inspiring Performance

Renowned percussionist Shivamaniji graced the stage, surprising everyone with a fusion of traditional rhythms and the ethereal vibrations of crystal bowls in his performance. This unexpected blend transcended musical boundaries, captivating the audience from the very first note.

The presence of Sivamani and his wife, Runaa Rizvii Shivamani, made the book launch an unforgettable experience for all in attendance. Their words carried wisdom, encouragement, and a profound understanding of the transformative power of art and creativity.

The launch of “Divinely Gifted” was not only a celebration of the book but also a moment of recognition and honor for the authors who poured their hearts and souls into its creation. Dr. Girish, Founder and Chief healing officer of Human Connect, added a touch of distinction to the event by personally acknowledging each author by name and acknowledging their contributions as esteemed authors. With his warm and commanding presence, he created a unique atmosphere where each author felt seen, appreciated, and acknowledged. This personalized acknowledgment bestowed a sense of importance and validation upon each author, underscoring their significance in the creation of “Divinely Gifted.”
We thank you all for being part of this extraordinary journey and for your unwavering support. The launch of “Divinely Gifted” was a truly magical experience, and we look forward to sharing this divine gift with the world.
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Divinely Gifted

How using your divine gift to serve your soul clients can fulfill your life’s higher purpose